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第003章 霸图试训遇张新杰(1/2)

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“There is a voice within my mind

singing the songs of distant times

Speaking the thoughts from lost horizons.

Music and words that must be signs

Shaping the facets that define

How we have e to be the present


Though we're from ten different lands

Bound by shores of mon sand

Singing out as one

Let's stand

The world is in our hands

No matter where we're from

If we could sing one song

Dreams that are yours and mihey will be realized.

Trusting the love we feel

Trust in the love that's real

Children unite

People of ASEAN

Rise !


Chapters unfolding from the past

Speaking on wisdom to my heart

Lessons to learn from our ancestors

Pushing horizons let's have faith

Our differences we will embrace

Shaping as one our mon future

Our future.

Though we're from ten different lands

Bound by shores of mon sand

Singing out as one

Let's stand

The world is in our hands

No matter where we're from

If we could sing one song

Dreams that are yours and mihey will be realized.

Trusting the love we feel

Trust in the love that's real

Children unite

People of ASEAN

Rise !

No matter where we're from

If we could sing one song

Dreams that are yours and mihey will be realized.

Trusting the love we feel

Trust in the love that's real

Children unite

People of ASEAN

Rise !

Trusting the love we feel

Trust in the love that's real

Children unite

People of ASEAN

Rise !”



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